Friday, 11 November 2011

November big 5 news

Zumba Cool has started!

For those of you who are recovering, trying to get back in shape or simply like it cool, come and join us and take it step by step
on Thursday 11 am, Marlborough, Football Club.

NO CLASS on Wednesday 16th November at 6 pm in Marlborough
NO CLASS on Friday 18th November at 5.30 pm in Great Bedwyn because Paaaarty later, see flyer below!

Zumba Booster on the way!
Friday 25th November, longer session 10 am to 11.30,
Marlborough, Football Club
Class as usual till 11 and then the crazy ones get 30 minutes more. Inscriptions open NOW. £8 if it’s your only class of the week, £6 otherwise

Friday 18th November, Coronation Hall, East Grafton 8.00 pm.
Zumba MASTER CLASS ( we learn the steps, we do the dance) and Tapas! See flyer below!
Buy your ticket, £15 now so we can plan food! or 01672 810049

Z with Lau, CD number 3 is out NOW. £ 9.
The whole class we are doing now plus bonus tracks, 15 songs to train in your kitchen, in your car or just boost a rainy day!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Zumba step by step!

For all of those who are recovering, trying to get back into shape or simply like it cooler,there is now a class :

Every Thursday , 11 AM at Marlborough Football Club.

It can also be a good way to start having 2 classes in a week, yes you can!

Spread the word and see you there!