Wednesday, 22 February 2012


By the Catholic Calendar, Carnival is always celebrated seven Sundays before the Sunday of Easter. As this varies from March 22nd to April 25th, the Carnival dates also move. It stops on the following Tuesday "mardi" ( gras is for fat in French... of course every time food is involved it has to be French) , and then it's Ash Wednesday and then Lent. It seems that in the UK all we have left from Carnival is Pancake Day. I won't comment, pancakes are lovely and try tossing them with feathers on your head anyway.....
Actually, Carnival in Rio gets started after the city mayor hands the key to Rei Momo (king Momo),the lord of Misrule and Revelry, a ceremony usually held on Friday evening. Once King Momo has danced his first samba steps, then there is no stopping for four days.
In 2012 Carnival started on Friday 17th February and ended following uesday 21st.
Some say that in fact Carnival really starts when the Parade Order is decided, by a big raffles and some other rules about winner last year ,somewhere in June or July.
And some to add that Carnival starts in fact end of March when all the samba schools have had a couple of weeks rest and are eager to work on the next one...
Now, let’s not be prejudiced here and go thinking that Rio is a big party all year long, sometimes people have to stop and go to the beach...
Oh and so you are ready for 2013, dates are February 8th until February 12th.

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